


About us...

Publicita Reclam Ltd

The price of each product may differ according to the amount of resources used, the difficulty of the model, and the printed area.

The data used to estimate costs will vary greatly from product to product. This means that, whatever prices we may publish, will not be valid for long.

This is why we have chosen to suply prices exclusively via e-mail.

You can reach us by using the information on the Contact page.

The information we need to be able to calculate costs, will consist of: the dimensions of the product, the shape (cube, sphere, arc, other-be specific), text/image to be printed on it, and the positioning (indoors / outdoors).

After sending us an e-mail please wait one day for us to come back to you with an estimate price and - if needed - sugestions.

The most important thing is that information is, and should always come free of charge, and free of any obligation for you to purchase the mentioned model, or any other whatsoever.